Mike Sweeny
VP Exploration
Mike is a professional geologist (P.Geo) with over 30 years of experience and a strong focus on nickel, copper and platinum group element (“Ni-Cu-PGE”) minerals systems. Previously he held various positions, including Senior Geologist, for numerous underground and surface exploration programs with Falconbridge-Xstrata-Glencore. He played primary roles in the discoveries of the Onaping Depth Deposit (currently in development), Fraser Morgan Deposit (currently in production), and was a part of the exploration team that discovered the recent Ni Rim Depth and Norman West Footwall deposits, for a combined total close to 65 million tonnes of nickel and copper resources. Mike has extensive experience in managing and designing underground and surface exploration programs from grassroots discovery to definition drilling leading to production. Mike started his career with the Ontario Geological Survey focussed on the Lac des Iles PGE deposit, Thunder Bay area, NW Ontario. He holds a Masters of Geology from Western University.